The blog focuses on the result of the integration process in supervision. It is a continuation of the earlier blog 91, “The significance of supervision“. Furthermore, the next blog (93) will be a third and ending text about supervision.
As an illustration, we will return to the case where Irma is being supervised to learn Motivational Work. Two years have passed, and she is still a member of the same supervision group.
The Case Revisited
The Negative Rebound
Irma conducts motivational work with another client, Didrik (37). Seven weeks into the program, the client suddenly refuses to see her anymore, and she is filled with feelings of insecurity and failure.
Interpreting the client’s contact rebus
She understands at once that these emotions come from Didrik, and while cycling home from work, it strikes her that her client’s reaction is his negative rebound, and everything falls into place. Her feeling of insecurity is gone. Moreover, she now knows how to use confrontation and continuity techniques with her client.
Irma had already been thinking about when the negative rebound will come and what it will contain. She can now interpret Didrik’s contact rebus as a positive confirmation of her Motivational Work. Moreover, Irma feels good about being able to handle the situation unaided.

The Outcome of the Integration Process
Becoming Independent
By working on her approach, Irma gradually has become more independent, able to motivate herself and stop her from being drained of emotional energy. Thus, she is giving herself life energy through her internalized values. There is no risk that she will be burnt out.
The Result: The Protective Suit
During her supervision, she has emotionally integrated the values and theory contained in Motivational Work. It enables her, more than anything else, to avoid entering a process draining her life energy.
In this way, Irma has developed a professional attitude that enables her to continue to be committed to her client. In other words, she has created a protective suit that hinders her from being burnt out as an outcome of her supervision.
Professional Distance
Furthermore, Irma’s emotional belief in the values and theory helps her maintain a distance from her emotional reactions. Keeping her professional limits makes it easy for her to use the methods in Motivational Work.
To sum up the result of supervision: The strategy that Irma has acquired is an emotional integration and, therefore, cannot simply be learned on a theoretical and intellectual level. She cannot just slip it on as she would a sweater. It has become a part of her personality that is forever with her once she has integrated it in a way that makes the values and theory her own.