Full of Energy
Publishing the book journey letter 4 has taken me some time. In my last letter, I mentioned that I had had a virus infection starting ten days earlier. When I wrote the text, I commented that I had not fully recovered. Nothing could be more truthful. The virus infection got worse a few days later, and I was sick for three more weeks. At the end of my period of infection, I had two attacks of migraine. Afterward, my energy level was low, and it took some time for me to recover.
Prioritize Even More
It was so bad that I had to consult my physician. She told me I was stressed and needed to reorganize my time. Thus, I had to reschedule my everyday life and prioritize even more. For example, I needed to pause attending my learning group in the French language (Les Acharnés). In a way, relinquishing my French studies could be a positive factor. In the hope that I will soon be able to see them, my motivation to complete my manuscript will be boosted.
I Live Alone
One advantage of my life situation is that I live alone. All my children are adults and middle-aged. Consequently, they can take care of themselves. Likewise, my grandchildren are young adults, the youngest being eighteen. They live lovely and exciting lives. Unfortunately, my wife has dementia and must reside at an institution.
It is a great sorrow for me. Despite her sickness, I still feel we have a deep connection, and I see her several times every week. Henceforth, I have some freedom in spending my time. However, I do not compromise on spending time with my wife and family.
My Energy Came Back
The good news is that when I got well, my verve came back. First, I reused some texts from earlier manuscripts. Then, I wrote the chapter about surviving in formal organizations in two days and the text on handling a couple’s relationship in another two days. My long sickness pause allowed my spirit to work on the subjects like an AI program. My energy also will enable me to write Book Journey Letter 4.
Expanded and Deepened
I am delighted with what I have written. The content is condensed and easy to read, and the theory and method are identical to my original ideas. However, I discovered that some text parts have been expanded and deepened. Curiously, this happens every time I write on a subject. Thoughts and reflections pop up that I would never have reached had I not been forced to formulate them in writing.
The End is Nearing
Now, I am beginning to get an inkling of the end of my manuscript. It remains only another chapter about the family and one on groups.
The end is nearing. Dear readers, I look forward to telling you that I have finally finished my manuscript. It should take place shortly. Thank you for following my book journey. If you are a new reader, you can catch up on the development of my book by reviewing the first three letters.
I hope to communicate with you soon via another letter.