Motivational Work can improve the situation of dementia patients. It makes them feel more secure and gives them increased self-esteem. Also, their families experience more meaning in their relationships with their loved ones and burden less guilt.
A General Theory
I have always been aware that the practice of Motivational Work incorporates all kinds of clients and actually all people. For example, it is possible to reach (see blog 4 and blog 5) and strengthen the self-esteem and well-being of brain-damage patients and their families. It is a new general psychological theory.
My wife diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
When my wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s five years ago, it became even more apparent how you can utilize Motivational Work with dementia. During these five years, I have taken care of my wife on my own in our home. I have also experienced dementia professionally. While working as a psychologist at a mental hospital, I trained staff in all wards with dementia patients.
Now my wife lives at an institution for dementia patients, which has made it possible for me to have time to handle my blog and write about dementia.
My wife’s suffering affects me significantly
It is a new experience to write about a subject where I am primarily involved as a family member. I will be biased because I am deeply engaged on a personal level. I am aware of being too optimistic in my view of the impact of Motivational Work. My wife’s suffering affects me significantly. It would relieve me to believe that Motivational Work can ease her pain.
To be able to write about dementia, I must try to emotionally distance myself from my situation and, simultaneously, have empathetic insight into my own reactions.
A Psychological Approach to Dementia
Using Motivational Work is an effort to apply a psychological approach to dementia. At the same time, I am well aware that there is ongoing relentless destruction of the brain in dementia patients, which will always lead to death. With my blogs, I intend to show a parallel continuous psychological interaction that can be used to ameliorate the patient’s and her family’s situation. It gives the staff new tools to utilize in their work.
My experience living with someone diagnosed with Alzheimer’s can perhaps significantly help support family members. An advantage is that I empathically know the severe dilemmas you meet.
My blogs may inspire research to further explore the psychological interaction between the patient, family members, and staff.
Several Blogs
To outline the application of Motivational Work, it is necessary to create several blogs with different aspects of the method. The interaction with Alzheimer’s patients is complicated. At the same time, the subject matters describe on a general level the approach of Motivational Work with all kinds of clients.
The contents are based on my lecture at a conference arranged by the Association of Dementia Coordinators in Denmark in 2021.
The Essentials of the Blogs
In the first blog about dementia patients, I will focus on the humanistic approach, which is how you view all human beings. It determines the meaning and objective of your contact. In forthcoming blogs, I will describe how Alzheimer’s patients communicate and the purpose of their destructive behavior. Furthermore, I propose guidelines for how to communicate back to the patient. Another essential aspect is creating a protective suit to prevent family and staff from being burnt out.
Contribute to Research
Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease, bit by bit, you lose your loved one, and you cannot stop it. I hope that you all will contribute to the research of Alzheimer’s dementia.
Blog 97. The Destructive Temporal Contact Rebus and Dementia - Motivational Work
[…] blog, I intend to deepen the understanding of the destructive temporal contact rebus. Like in blogs 94, 95, and 96, I will concentrate on the contact rebuses of dementia patients. In general, there is a […]