Motivational Work

The Protective Suit Minimizes Burn-out

When you meet unmotivated clients, you risk being burnt out since unmotivated clients only give back negative confirmations. They are aggressive and threatening, they withdraw, and they comply superficially. Moreover, they have shut off their emotions, so you cannot obtain emotional contact.

Not receiving positive confirmation can lead to burnout. The motivational worker begins to feel hopelessness, a lack of self-confidence, a feeling of having tried everything with the client, and a wish to end the relationship and let somebody else continue.

In short, it is a painful condition for the motivational worker, being drained of energy.

Motivational Work can offer a protective suit that hinders burnout and makes staying committed to the client possible.

P.S. You can get all four books on Motivational Work for free as an e-book if you apply for a Kindle unlimited membership at D.S

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