Recently, I have found a connection between the coronavirus and Motivational Work through my own experience. When the pandemic came, it became difficult for me to write new blogs. It was as if I had lost my energy. Instead, my anxiety to be contaminated dominated by my feelings. Furthermore, the quarantine has been a most frustrating experience, leading to painful social isolation.
Me and the Coronavirus
But the times are changing. Soon the vaccination will begin, and my energy and faith in the future are more and more coming back. My head is swirling with different associations between the coronavirus and Motivational Work. In the end, there is one aspect, which appears pregnant compared to other perspectives. It is the nature of the human mind, according to Motivational Work.
The Positive Core
Like other methods in humanistic psychology, Motivational Work is built on the humanistic approach, which means that there is a positive core in every human being. Everybody has this energy. In other words, it is our human nature. The most profound motivational force contains positive energy to be constructive, social, goal-oriented, and active.
Gives Hope
It is with this constructive energy we meet all the frustrations and calamities in our lives. The power gives us hope to survive and prosper despite all obstacles.
My Hope: The Coronavirus and Motivational Work
To me, it is impressive how soon humankind could construct effective vaccines. In my case, it was the news about the vaccines that profoundly gave me back my hope. Before the glad tidings, my positive core gave me only the energy to survive.
Obviously, in awaiting good news, my life force was not enough to inspire me to start writing. By amplification of my energy, I can now be more creative and constructive. Thus, coronavirus and Motivational work are connected with each other.
Motivational Work
Motivational Work is all about strengthening the positive energy in destructive and unmotivated clients. The core is the motivation. As a motivational worker, I give my life energy to a fellow human being. In doing this, necessary equipment is a protective suit to hinder being drained of my life force.
Exchange of Life Energy
The exchange of life energy is not restricted to the treatment of destructive clients. We all send and receive life force to keep our positive core powerful and well-functioning. To be able to welcome this exchange, you have to give your energy to others. So we are intertwined with each other in an eternal interaction.
I Am Thankful
Generally speaking, I am very thankful to my family and friends for strengthening my positive core, as I hope I, in the same way, repay them. Maybe I can give you, my reader, some life force back with this blog, and, at the same time, I appreciate your interest in reading my text.
And, I am especially pleased with the vaccine researchers, both with regard to my own health and my insight about the coronavirus and Motivational Work.